Welcome! This is the main website for the TRANSIT2 and TPP tools developed by the Ioerger lab at Texas A&M.
This page is for the new version of Transit, called Transit2. It can be installed as the transit2 package on PyPi using pip.
The new version has a better, more integrated GUI. There are some minor differences in command-line arguments and file formats,
but Transit2 still has the same methods for statistical analysis of TnSeq data as the original version of Transit.
The original version of Transit is still being maintained and distributed. It can be installed as the tnseq-transit package (most recently, v3.2.7) on PyPi using pip.
## Version 1.1.5 (2024-10-16) Minor changes: - ensure that font file is included in PyPi package ## Version 1.1.4 (2024-10-14) Minor changes: - fixed a bug in TrackView that was caused by deprecated function in recent version of Python Image Library (PIL v10.0) ## Version 1.1.3 (2024-09-14) Minor changes: - allow wig file pathnames to have spaces in combined_wig and metadata files (e.g. for ANOVA and ZINB) - changed default alg for BWA from 'mem' back to 'aln' (see documentation on TPP) ## Version 1.1.2, 2024-04-16 - minor bug fix in 'cgi visualize' Minor changes: ## Version 1.1.1, 2024-04-12 Minor changes: - updates to CGI functions (CRISPRi-DR) and documentation - 'cgi extract_counts' can now process *.fastq.gz files (automatically unzips them) - minor changes to how sgRNA ids are handled - minor updates to format of input files like sgRNA_info.txt - minor changes to command-line args and flags ## Version 1.1.0, 2024-04-12 Minor changes: - added empirical Bayes FDR analysis to filter significant interacting genes in CGI - added '-no_uninduced' flag to CGI command (see documentation) ## Version 1.0.14, 2024-04-04 Minor changes: - fixed a bug that caused GUI to hang after popup windows were closed ## Version 1.0.13, 2024-04-04 Minor changes: - fixed a bug for making combined_wig files in GUI using gff files ## Version 1.0.12, 2024-03-17 Minor changes: - fix minor bug in CRISPRi-DR (cgi) output ## Version 1.0.11, 2024-03-17 Minor changes: - minor updates to CRISPRi-DR (cgi) method and documentation ## Version 1.0.10, 2024-02-17 #### TRANSIT2: Minor changes: - fixed .tolist() bug in betageom normalization in 'export combined_wig' ## Version 1.0.9, 2024-01-31 Minor changes: - a few updates to CRISRPi-DR (CGI) ## Version 1.0.8, 2023-12-20 Major changes: - added CRISPRi-DR method for analyzing CGI data (Chemical-Genetic Interactions) - includes GUI interface - see documentation - added confidence scores to HMM output Minor changes: - fixed LOESS plots to show genome positional bias before and after correction ## Version 1.0.7, 2023-10-19 Minor changes: - bug fix in GUI for resampling ## Version 1.0.6 2023-10-18 Minor changes: - bug fix for corrplot (remove dependence on rpy2) - minor edits to documentation ## Version 1.0.5 2023-10-15 Minor changes: - fix something in .readthedocs.taml ## Version 1.0.4 2023-10-15 Minor changes: - fix docs on readthedocs by adding config file ## Version 1.0.3 2023-10-13 Minor changes: - Minor bugfix in ttnfitness ## Version 1.0.2 2023-07-15 Minor fix: - ensured that all sub-directories are included in distribution ## Version 1.0.1 2023-07-11 Updated documentation: - clarify that this is Transit2 - put a link to the original version of Transit - update installation instructions for pip and git ## Version 1.0.0 2023-05-31 Major new release. - Re-implmentation from scratch. - more integrated GUI - some command-line arguments and file formats have changed from the original version of Transit - everything revolves around combined_wig files and metadata files, now, which facilitates analysis of larger TnSeq datasets with multiple conditions
git clone https://github.com/ioerger/transit2/
python <PATH>/src/transit.pyNote: this command installs the source files locally in your directory, so you can run it from the command-line as above. Alternatively, you can use 'pip install' (see Documentation) to install a copy of transit in a global location on your system, like /usr/local/bin/transit. (transit becomes a command; you don't have to say 'python' before it) For detailed instructions, please see the documentation included with the source-code distribution or visit the following page:
In order for TRANSIT and TPP to run, various packages installed,
like BWA, Numpy, Scipy, wxPython, matplotlib, R, etc.
See the
for full requirements and installation instructions.
If the annotation of your genome is in .gff (or .gff3) format, there is a command available in Transit to convert them to .prot_table format for use by all the analytical methods. Conversion of .gff files can also be done through the GUI (as a menu option).
> python transit.py convert gff2prot_table <.gff> <.prot_table>
Papers on the Statistical Methods in Transit:
Biology papers from our group using TnSeq and Transit:
Zhang, L., Hendrickson, R.C., Meikle, V., Lefkowitz, E.J., Ioerger, T.R., and Niederweis, M. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of iron utilization by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PLoS Pathogens, accepted.
Dragset, M., Ioerger, T.R., Loevenich, M., Haug, M., Sivakumar, N.,
Marstad, A., Cardona, P., Klinkenberg, G., Rubin, E.J., Steigedal, M.,
and Flo, T. (2019). Global assessment of Mycobacterium avium
subspecies hominissuis genetic requirement for growth and
virulence. mSystems,
Dragset, M.S., Ioerger, T.R., Zhang, Y.J., Zekarias, Maerk, M., Ginbot, Z.,
Sacchettini, J.C., Flo, T.H., Rubin, E.J., Steigedal, M. (2019).
Genome-wide phenotypic profiling identifies and categorizes genes
required for mycobacterial low iron fitness.
Scientific Reports, 9(1):11394.
Rego, H., Baranowski, C., Welch, M., Sham, L.-T., Eskandarian, H., Lim, H.,
Kieser, K., Wagner, J., McKinney, J., Fantner, G., Ioerger, T.R.,
Walker, S., Berhardt, T., and Rubin, E.J. (2018).
Maturing Mycobacterium smegmatis peptidoglycan requires non-canonical
crosslinks to maintain shape. eLife, e37516.
Carey, A.F., Rock, J.M., Krieger, I.V., Chase, M.R., Fernandez-Suarez,
M., Gagneux, S., Sacchettini, J.C., Ioerger, T.R, and Fortune,
S.M. (2018). TnSeq of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates
reveals strain-specific antibiotic liabilities.
PLOS Pathogens, 14(3):e1006939.
Xu, W., DeJesus, M.A., Rucker, N., Engelhart, C., Wright, M.G., Healy, C.,
Lin, K., Wang, R., Park, S.W., Ioerger, T.R., Schnappinger, D., and
Ehrt, S. (2017).
Chemical genomic interaction profiling reveals determinants of
antibiotic susceptibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,
DeJesus, M.A., Gerrick, E.R., Xu, W., Park, S.W., Long, J.E., Boutte, C.C.,
Rubin, E.J., Schnappinger, D., Ehrt, S., Fortune, S.M., Sassetti, C.M.,
and Ioerger, T.R. (2017). Comprehensive essentiality analysis of the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome
via saturating transposon mutagenesis. mBio, 8(1):e02133-16.
Korte, J., Alber, M., Trujullo, C.M., Syson, K. Koliwer-Brandl, H., Deenen, R.,
Köhrer, K., DeJesus, M.A., Hartman, T., Jacobs, W.R. Jr.,
Bornemann, S., Ioerger, T.R., Ehrt, S., Kalscheuer, R. (2016).
Trehalose-6-phosphate-mediated toxicity determines essentiality of OtsB2 in
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro and in mice. PLOS Pathogens,
Kieser, K.J., Baranowski, C., Chao, M.C., Long, J.E., Sassetti, C.M.,
Waldor, M.K., Sacchettini, J.C., Ioerger, T.R, and Rubin, E.J. (2015).
Peptidoglycan synthesis in Mycobacterium
tuberculosis is organized into networks with varying
drug susceptibility. PNAS,
Zhang, Y.J., Reddy, M.C., Ioerger, T.R., Rothchild, A.C., Dartois, V.,
Schuster, B.M., Trauner, A., Wallis, D.E., Galaviz, S., Huttenhower, C.,
Saccettini, J.C., Behar, S.M., and Rubin, E.J. (2013).
Tryptophan biosynthesis protects mycobacteria from CD4 T cell-mediated killing.
Cell, 155(6):1296-308. pubmed
Zhang, Y.J., Ioerger, T.R., Huggenhower, C., Chen, X., Mohaideen, N.,
Long, J., Sassetti, C.M., Sacchettini, J.C. and Rubin, E.J. (2012).
Global assessment of genomic regions required for growth in Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. PLoS Pathogens, 8(9):e1002946.
Griffin, J.E., Gawronski, J.D., DeJesus, M.A., Ioerger, T.R., Akerley, B.J.,
Sassetti, C.M. (2011). High-resolution phenotypic profiling defines genes
essential for mycobacterial survival and cholesterol catabolism. PLoS
Pathogens, 7(9):e1002251. pubmed
Long, J.E., DeJesus, M., Ward, D., Baker, R.E., Ioerger, T.R. and
Sassetti, C.M. (2015).
Identifying essential genes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by global
phenotypic profiling. in:
Methods in Molecular Biology: Gene Essentiality,
(Long Jason Lu, ed.), vol. 1279.
Email questions to Tom Ioerger (ioerger@cs.tamu.edu).